woman slept well

Can A Sleep Clinic Help With Your Sleeping Problems?

General Health

Sleep clinic is a facility that aims to provide services to people who are suffering from sleep disorders. Because of unhealthy habits, more people are experiencing difficulty in sleeping. This is also the reason why specialists come up with a solution known as a sleep clinic. Their main goal is to treat sleep disorders like sleep apnea, insomnia, and the likes. If you are having any trouble sleeping, click on sleepclinicmelbourne.com.au to get help.


What Is A Sleep Clinic

Sleep medicine specialists focus on Polysomnography or the study of sleep. Their objective is to diagnose the root cause of the disorder and come up with a treatment that will be beneficial for the patient. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Before getting into a sleep clinic, you will need a recommendation from a doctor. This will prove that you’ve tried all options including medication but nothing works for you. Medications can also obstruct the sleep study so it’s best to consult your doctor first and inform your sleep clinic specialist.
  2. You will be asked to prepare for the actual sleep study. This means that you will have to follow certain protocols before the day of your sleep clinic appointment. The first thing to remember is you are not allowed to drink coffee in the meantime and do not take a nap before the engagement, these two will only make it hard for you to fall asleep during the study.
  3. Upon arrival, you may ask to be given a brief tour of the facility for your own comfort. Once you’re settled for sleeping, you will be assigned to your own room.devices attached for monitoring
  4. Before you sleep, the sleep medicine specialist will attach a device to your head and body that will monitor your eye movements, brain activity, heart rate,  the extremity of your snore, body movements, and many more. These sensors are important tools in a sleep clinic facility as they play a vital role in determining multiple body activities while you’re asleep.
  5. The whole sleep study will take place while you are sleeping until you wake up the next day.
  6. The results will not be handed to you directly, but rather to the doctor who recommended you for the study. Your doctor will interpret the findings of the sleep study and discuss the possible solution and treatment to help you with your sleep disorder.

Make sure to prepare yourself before going to the sleep clinic. You may opt to bring toiletries, a clean set of pajamas, a towel, and clothes to wear for the next day.


Different Types Of Sleep Disorders

While sleep apnea and insomnia are quite common around the world, there are other sleep issues that a sleep clinic can diagnose as well. Sleep disorders don’t always necessarily mean that you are having trouble sleeping, sometimes it relates to excessive sleeping as well.

Listed below are the most common types of sleep disorders:

  • Sleep apnea. This disorder refers to an occasional interruption in breathing while asleep. This is considered to be a very critical medical condition as it causes the body to accommodate fewer oxygen levels. It also comes in two different types:
    obstructive sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction in the airways;
    central sleep apnea occurs due to issues in the brain, it’s where the nervous system is not sending signals related to breathing.
  • Insomnia. This is probably the most known sleep disorder where an individual finds it difficult to fall asleep. Several reasons contribute to insomnia such as fatigue, stress, feeling anxious, and hormones.
  • Parasomnias. Parasomnia is the overall term for abnormal and unusual movements during sleep. These actions include sleepwalking, groaning, wetting the bed, teeth grinding, and talking while asleep.
  • Sleep paralysis. This is a frightening situation to be in while asleep. Sleep paralysis is the inability to move or even make a sound even though you feel like you are already awake. Some people experience heaviness in the chest when this happens.

Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Disorders

  • trouble sleepingFinding it hard to fall or stay asleep
  • Feeling exhausted during the day
  • Wanting to doze off all the time
  • Impulsive movements while trying to sleep
  • Poor work or school performance
  • Trouble in staying focused
  • Losing or gaining weight
  • Anxiety, depression, mood swings

You can also visit the Grange Dental Care’s site to consult their team about apnea, bruxism and night guards.

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