Experiencing Pain In Feet When Do You Call A Doctor

Experiencing Pain In Feet: When Do You Call A Doctor?

General Health

Foot pain isn’t a problem that you want to neglect. Sometimes, pain in feet indicates an underlying illness that requires emergency care. If you see symptoms of swelling, redness, and experience slight fever, visit a hospital right away. People may want to try alternative medicine to lighten the pain in their feet. Patients that want a faster recovery may try a foot massage at www.waynemassage.com.au/foot-massage-sydney. Doctors may allow their patients to try foot massages, acupuncture, or acupressure as long as the condition isn’t severe. However, pain in feet may require surgery for the treatment depending on its medical symptoms. Find out how to resolve foot pain with answers that will help your overall wellness. 


Causes Of Pain In Feet

Can your lifestyle choices affect your toes, ankles, arches, and soles? Probably, you are not aware that you’re wearing jeans that are too tight. Or probably, your feet have an infection that needs medical advice from a doctor. Medical advice may be the best approach to relieve foot pain to prevent complications that may spread on your thigh and legs. Check out the cause of pain in feet in our list below. 


Rheumatism (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder where antibodies attack healthy body tissue. When this problem happens, the joints’ lining may become sore and inflames, eventually destroying the soft tissues. Usually, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments can experience rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers say that women typically have rheumatoid arthritis due to the hormonal effects of estrogen. 


Accident, Overuse, Or Injury

Pain In Feet

Often, overuse of the feet, thigh, and legs may lead to a higher risk of accidents or injuries. As an example, athletes with torn muscles in their feet can have a hard time recovering. In time, overuse of the feet, legs, and any part of the body can make bones and muscles prone to tearing and fracture. If you want to prevent these health complications, it may be best to visit your sports doctor or orthopedist for treatment. 


Diabetes Mellitus

A patient with type 2 diabetes may also experience pricking or sharp pain in feet after a few years. According to doctors, diabetes mellitus can cause nerve damage over time, called diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes can also disrupt blood flow in your feet, making you prone to infection and may decrease healing from cuts and sores. If you want to prepare for foot care, make sure that you regularly consult your diabetes symptoms from a general physician. 


Unfit Shoes Or Socks

Shoes, socks, or any foot apparel that doesn’t fit properly are commonly regarded as the leading cause of foot problems. A person with varicose veins may require stockings to normalize blood pressure flow in your legs and feet. You must change from wearing sneakers to sandals, step-ins, or slip on during your foot treatment. 


Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain can be caused by a feet problem called plantar fasciitis, which may feel like a stabbing pain at the foot’s bottom. People who are overweight, obese, runners, and wearing shoes that are too tight can experience plantar fasciitis. Moreover, plantar fasciitis may become frequent when standing too long or standing too fast right after sitting. Repeated stretching of the fascia muscles may lead to small tears. Treatment for plantar fasciitis may involve physical therapy, medications, night splints, shockwave therapy, or surgical procedures. 


Medication Side Effects

Foot pain can occur if a patient takes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), calcium channel blockers, antidepressants, and diabetes medications. The first sign of a medical complication on foot shows tenderness, allergic reactions, swelling, and slow healing of scars, wounds, and cuts. A patient may not be medically educated about the side – effects of OTC pain relievers, so you may want to ask a pharmacist or your trusted doctor for more help. 


Other Potential Causes:

There are still many causes of pain in feet that you may want to check out. Sometimes, its physical concerns that we have to be aware of. Significantly, some unhygienic practices can also cause foot pain. 

  • Ingrown
  • Uncut Toenails
  • Warts
  • Callouses 


Can Acupressure, Reflexology, Or Acupuncture Relieve Pain In Feet?

How does professional massage like reflexology, acupressure, or acupuncture administer pain relief in feet? According to Chinese traditional medicine, reflexology believes that the body has zones that can decrease stress and pain by balancing Qi. Applying pressure on the meridian points can release endorphins, improve blood circulation, and reduce blood clotting. According to doctors, several types of reflexology or massage therapy are slowly getting accepted in official therapies that involve foot problems. However, it may still take some years or complementary surgery or medication to treat a person with foot pain. If you are curious about these techniques, ask medical advice from a home doctor in Perth


How Do You Manage Foot Pain At Home?

Pain In Feet Treatment

Doctors recommend people with pain in feet to practice doing the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation). Resting your foot is the first step to avoid severe ankle sprain or strain. Swelling of your feet can go back to normal if you soak it in ice-cold water. Up to 15 to 20 minutes, maintain your feet on ice for at least 1-2 days. Compression can prevent further swelling by wrapping the area on an orthopedic or medical bandage. Be careful in making the wrap to avoid interrupting blood flow. Moreover, you should elevate your legs so that your level is above the heart to stop throbbing, prickly pain, or other issues that may hurt you. If these symptoms don’t go away after 48 hours, consider going to a hospital soon.  An alternative way to help your foot pain is to make your muscles stronger by exercising. See more at www.stationaryexercisebike.com.au. But if you’re a beginner it is best that you consult a personal trainer first.


When Do You See A Doctor?

Pain in feet shouldn’t be taken lightly as individuals that skip consulting a doctor can experience severe pain problems in just a few days. If you notice that your previous therapies and OTC medications don’t work, go to an urgent care hospital or clinic right away. A doctor can analyze your ligaments and tendons using an X-ray and diagnose your foot issue’s main cause. Our advice for people with pain in feet is not to skip going to a medical professional for your foot concern.

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