answer to do baby teeth have roots

Milk Teeth 101: Do Baby Teeth Have Roots? And Care Tips You Should Know

Dental Health

Everything is temporary, and teeth are no exception. The teeth you have now had only came after the milk teeth you had had once as a baby. Indeed, the first baby teeth eruption is both a joy to the parents and the child. Aside from the kid gets to sport a cute, toothy smile, parents could also start feeding fresh and exciting foods. However, no matter how adorable they may be, baby teeth do no stay for long. And if you are new to parenthood, this dental circus will make you happy and worried the next. Since baby teeth eruption can cause swollen gums, asking the right questions will help you down the road. Do baby teeth have roots? When should I expect them?

After all, teeth are such essential elements in a person’s life. Hence, you cannot possibly risk improper management and wrong choice of actions.


What Are Baby Teeth?

Also known to many as temporary, deciduous, milk, or primary teeth, these white pearls have significant differences from types and pattern of baby tooth growththe permanent type. Although baby teeth breakdown and grind foods as much as the adult counterparts, they vary in many things. Primary teeth look whiter and have fewer biting ridges. Few people only know this, but babies are born with their teeth in their jaws. But these primary teeth are so well hidden beneath the gum line that they are not yet visible at birth.

Furthermore, their appearance and management get a little tricky. Besides, dealing with someone who cannot talk yet is already a challenge. There is no way of knowing about the pain and discomfort they feel. Indeed, with irritability and low-grade fever, your series of sleepless nights may not end just yet. Other signs of teething you should be aware of include:

  • Drooling
  • Skin Rashes
  • Swollen tender gums
  • Gnawing
  • Coughing
  • Rubbing on cheeks or bringing hands in mouth


Baby Teeth And When You Should Expect Them

With 20 primary teeth to grow and wait, you will eventually get the hang of it. And since baby teeth start to emerge at six months to 1 year, you will have plenty of time to prepare before it happens. Although it is not the case for everybody, the upper and lower front teeth are always the first to show. But it is best to check for the whole mouth to ensure that you are not missing an erupting tooth. Here are the types of baby teeth and their average growing period:



These are the four central front teeth of a child. The middle two erupts first, followed by the adjacent or lateral incisors. Incisors are also the first to shed at around 6 to 7 years old.


With the primary function to cut and tear foods, canines are the sharpest of the set. They sit next to the front teeth, both in the upper and lower jaw. Canines grow at around six months or more after the eruption of the front teeth.


These large, flat primary teeth at the backmost part of the mouth are the last ones to erupt and the last ones to shed. There is a total of 8 molars in the temporary teeth.

Although you could look into the normal eruption and shedding chart for these baby teeth, you should note that some cases are different. And It is best to consult a professional when you think a tooth erupted too early or too late.


Do Baby Tooth Have Roots?

To keep them in their place, yes, a baby tooth does have roots. Like the ordinary permanent teeth, the root of a baby tooth contains pulp and nerves. One main purpose of primary teeth is to mold the jaw for the coming permanent teeth. As you know, when the jawbones do not develop properly, it could lead to crowded and crooked teeth. And from there, a series of oral complications could arise. Hence, the proper management of baby teeth will pave for a brighter and better oral condition growing up.why knowing do baby teeth have root is important

However, when the baby teeth naturally shed at around ages 10 to 12, no roots are attached anymore. And there is no mystery to that. This event is part of the natural shedding process. When the permanent tooth starts to develop, the emerging crown dissolves the roots of the baby tooth. And with shorter roots, the baby tooth begins to loosen. And this sign is one best indication to expect a fallen tooth in the coming weeks.


Caring For Baby Tooth

By massaging on the gums with wet gauze or washcloth, you could assist with the teething procedure. The American Dental Association also recommends bringing your child to the dentist as soon as the tooth erupts. With a professional, decays and problems are prevented early.

Brushing is still necessary when it comes to pediatric oral health. In fact, when the teeth start to erupt, brushing should be a part of their routine. Pea-sized fluoride toothpaste should be enough to fight off cavities and yield protective action for the primary teeth. And when the tooth becomes fit on its socket, your child could already begin with the art of flossing.


While shopping for teethers and toothbrushes is essential, knowing the basics of milk teeth is far more crucial. These devices may assist with your child’s primary teeth, but your knowledge will stand more helpful. Partnering with a professional will also ensure that your child’s teething is on the right track. With the central role of a perfect smile in self-esteem and confidence, you could not gamble with milk teeth. And knowing do baby teeth have roots is already a big step in ensuring your child’s oral health.

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